Foil fraud with Fraudfoiler!

Protect your credit card
or smart pass card from unauthorized skimming, scanning, cloning,
reading, relaying or tracking.
Complete RFID chip protection
for your credit cards with the same protective sleeve technology
that is used for Passport and government identification cards.
Unauthorized reading of your card is foiled.
What is RFID?
Radio Frequency Identification
is the ability for a card to be signaled and read from a distance.
This is being used on product tags in retail stores and warehousing.
Audits can be done by walking a reader down the aisle and knowing
instantly what is in stock, what sizes and colors. Employees
and visitors within a building or company can be tracked, located
during an emergency and accounted for.
Who uses RFID?
An RFID is being used
on new passports worldwide with the information on the first
page of your passport stored on the chip. Some countries will
be using security that will allow entrance based on the scan
of your passport.
Some high value shipments
are being processed with an RFID inside for tracking and surveillance.
Security systems and cameras are triggered by RFID.
Some states are using
RFID in the new drivers license. It will permit law enforcement
to know who is in a vehicle from long range prior to engaging
the driver.
Quick pass cards have
been using the RFID technology at the gas pumps for convenience
and safety for years. Much the same as the new key-less ignition
systems on automobiles and smart pass systems on toll booths.
Credit cards in the U.S.
are just beginning to use them, after the success European countries
have had with them in combatting fraud. Magnetic strip cards
are being replaced with the secure RFID embedded cards.

How does RFID work?
The way it works, is
an inactive silent chip is embedded in the card with an antenna
going around the perimeter of the card. When an RFID probe reader
is within range it sends out a ping signal to activate any RFID
within range, thus activating the card RFID chip to come to life.
It answers and responds with the information stored, account
number, expiration date and other information, just as it is
programmed to do.
Account number and expiration
dates are easily obtained in bulk. A person walking through a
mall can read and store cards by the hundreds undetected. Depending
on the hacking equipment employed, unprotected cards can be read
from several feet away to hundreds of yards away.
My first exposure to
RFID credit card hacking came about during holiday season of
2009. My wife and I were shopping at the Outlet Mall in Hagerstown,
MD. I got into a conversation with the manager of a store regarding
credit card fraud as my retail business ( had been
hit hard that year. She went on to tell me how her two new credit
cards had been scanned and cloned while in her wallet, in her
purse, behind the counter. She had no idea until she tried to
purchase gas for her car on the way home and her cards were maxed
out. At the time, she nor I knew anything about RFID and I assumed
her magnetic strip had been scanned. Now, I know better and my
cards are shielded with FraudFoiler protection sleeves.
Believe it or not, it
is safer. The card does not need to leave your possession. You
can swipe it over the check out terminal for purchases or dinner.
There is no chance for a dishonest person to quickly skim it
or copy your details. Safety and security becomes the cardholders
responsiblilty. Government issued cards are mandated to be kept
in their protective sleeves at all times. Shouldn't you be offering
the same protection and security to your cards that you are liable

How does RFID Fraud
Foiler work?
There are two type of
card sleeves being sold. One is a simply Tyvek sleeve that protects
the card from being scratched or broken. It does not protect
the card from illegal RFID skimming.
The second type of sleeve
being sold is the one that looks like foil on the inside. This
is actually a Faraday Cage or Faraday Sleeve that creates an
enclosure out of conductive material. No signal can enter to
turn on your RFID chip, and no signal can escape. An electrostatic
shield is created protecting your card from being read, skimmed
or cloned.

As far as your card is
concerned, all outside electric signals have been canceled. Your
RFID chip stays asleep!
If you are a fan of CSI,
one of the 2008 episodes had a store clerk that put a reader
inside a very expensive purse for sale in a store. It was able
to read and store the credit card details of customers shopping!
NCIS "Enemies Foreign"
on November 17, 2010 showed just how easy it is for a person
to walk through a crowd, scan credit cards and transfer debit
card balances to their own card or account with an iphone. There
is a card scanner that also plugs into the earphone of any cell
phone device so that you can scan a card you actually have possession
Your card easily fits
within a FraudFoiler protective sleeve, then can be placed in
your wallet or pocket.
Ten dollars for five
card protective sleeves. Shipped by US Postal within the USA.
Banks, credit unions,
large businesses or government agencies contact us for wholesale
pricing and imprinting, minimum order is 5,000 sleeves. Delivery
time with print is 4-6 weeks.
Your payment will show jewelry, the sponsor of Fraudfoiler
You may use your PayPal
account to order with any credit card or debit card.
5@ $10.00 shipped